Congratulation 2022 Graduates!

We are honored to bless all graduates from the 2021-22 school year (middle school, high school, college or graduate degrees.) We celebrate their accomplishments and hope the best for their future.


7 Things Every High School Graduate Should Hear

  1. Live with intention. College is full of opportunities. Think carefully about priorities for your new start.
  2. Make the right friends. Concentrate on the ones who motivate you to be a better person.
  3. It’s a big world! Look for new perspectives and new ideas that push you to grow.
  4. Find a mentor. Building relationships with “been there, done that” people can be a great help.
  5. Volunteer your time. You’ll be surprised who you meet and how you grow & learn when you serve.
  6. Learn to do your laundry, address an envelope, schedule a doctor’s appointment, and cook meals (ramen doesn’t count!)
  7. Remember that God is in control.
    And that’s a good thing!