Welcome Home Work Campers Hospitality & Reunion


Join us on Sunday, July 17th at the 9:30 AM Mass to welcome home our Catholic Heart work campers from Boston and celebrate the service to our local community of our Matthew 25 work campers.

Hot ham and rolls hospitality will be served after Mass to thank you for all you have done to support our work campers. These camps have seen the best of 95 youth and young adults as they have served our local and Boston area residents and organizations. They will have lots of wonderful stories to share with you.

Have you been on work camp as a youth or chaperone? We want to make this a reunion for the wonderful history of work camp that has been going on at Good Shepherd for more than 30 years. We invite you to wear your work camp shirt (or if it doesn’t fit anymore or is tattered, bring it along to show off) and celebrate this long-standing Good Shepherd tradition.

We thank God for Good Shepherd’s support of work camp and the thousands of lives God has changed.