Environment and the Poor

submitted by Marguerite Thompson

“In my viewpoint, it is very important for everyone to recognize that poverty and environmental issues are interrelated. Poverty among people puts stress on the environment; Whereas, environmental problems cause severe suffering to the poor. People, whether they be rich or poor, consume water, food, and natural resources in order to remain alive. All economic activities are directly, indirectly or remotely based on natural resources and any pressure on natural resources can cause environmental stress. Environmental damage can prevent people, especially the poor, from having good and hygienic living standards. As poor people rely more directly on the environment than the rich for their survival, they are mostly on the receiving end of environmental problems.

On the other hand environmental problems add more to the miseries of poor people. Environmental problems cause more suffering among them as environmental damage increases the impact of floods and other environmental catastrophes. Soil erosion, land degradation and deforestation lead to a decline in food production, along with a shortage of wood for fuel that contributes to inflation. In short, the worst consequences of environmental deterioration, whether they be economical, social, or related to mental or physical wellbeing, are experienced by poor people.”
(by Niranjan Dev Bharadwaj, The Relationship Between Poverty & the Environment, excerpted from Voices of Youth blog, www.voicesofyouth.org)