“A Better Kind of Politics” to Encourage Neighborly Encounters
As a Church and a nation, we are polarized and divided. Pope Francis challenges us to respond by building a “better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good” (Fratelli Tutti, no. 154). We are called to overcome division, promote encounters with our neighbors, and seek the truth. Join Catholics across the country in living out A Better Kind of Politics by pledging charity, clarity, and creativity to promote the common good. Civilize It: A Better Kind of Politics is a nonpartisan initiative from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that seeks to assist Catholics to counter polarization and division in Church and society by following the example of the Good Samaritan, who challenges us to “become neighbors to all” (Fratelli Tutti, no. 80). Along with a pledge to charity, clarity, and creativity, additional materials, including an examination of conscience, individual and communal reflection guides, action steps, and more, are available to empower individuals, families, and communities to be bridgebuilders across perspectives. Commit to A Better Kind of Politics and respond creatively to the problems facing our world at civilizeit.org.