Fight Fast Fashion for the Environment

By Mary Kult

Spring reminds us that everything in our natural world is constantly changing. Let’s put some spring in our step and with a child’s mind and look deeply at the awesome changes that occur in nature and how climate change will affect this beauty.

Climate change is coming almost to the point of no return, which will occur by 2053 unless changes can be made.

One thing we can do is to avoid fast fashion.

Retailers’ base their business on trendy looks at low prices. Fast fashion means products don’t last long and fall apart often due to poor construction.  Buy from green companies like the ones found on or other socially just and environmentally friendly practices. An amazing example is the coat that I bought my daughter this winter. Made by London Fog, it was constructed with all soda and or water bottles. The coat was very warm, and the cost was amazing versus a down coat at a much higher price.

Also minimize your carbon footprint by donating clothes to St. Vincent de Paul. St. Vinney’s takes clothes and worn shoes and will recycle them into rags or playground surfaces.