Our Parish Director: Eucharist from the Cup to Resume

Archbishop Listecki has removed the ban on distribution of Eucharist from the Cup and left it up to each pastor and parish as to if, and when, it might resume. After many conversations with Good Shepherd leadership, consultation with other pastors, prayer and reflection, Good Shepherd has decided that we will offer Eucharist from the Cup beginning June 10-11 on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

We know some at our parish have health concerns about a shared cup. Know that our Communion Ministers are being re-trained on the best way to wipe the rim of the cup completely after each person receives.

Know also that if you continue to only receive Eucharist in the form of bread (the host), you are receiving the full Body AND Blood of Christ. The Church teaches the Doctrine of Concomitance: if you receive only from one “species” of the Eucharist, from the cup or the host, you receive the full Christ. Receiving from the cup and the host does not mean a fuller reality at all.

If you have questions, please contact either Judy Zunk or me.

Rich blessings –
Deacon Sandy