Listen to the Lord for Grades K3-5th

Each week, you see a parade of children exit the church to the Mary of Magdala Chapel. It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it? Do you wonder what those sweet, little kids are doing?

We call this time “Listen to the Lord.” It’s our own name for our children’s Liturgy of the Word. They celebrate the Liturgy of the Word, just like you (but maybe a little squirmier.) We introduce ourselves each week in case there are visitors or people we don’t know very well. We read the First Reading and Gospel from the children’s lectionary in words little ones can understand. We sing the Psalm and Gospel acclamation, sometimes adding hand motions to help get the wiggles out and engage in worship. We discuss what Scripture means to them as children, friends and families. We pray petitions for people and things on our hearts. If we have time, we make a craft or start a coloring page relating to the readings.

We do all that in that short 20-30 minutes before we return to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist with the rest of the assembly. It’s invigorating, and we are so happy that we have such amazing children and catechists here to partake. Know that these children are receiving the Word of God into their minds, lips and hearts too.

Feel free to send your 3K-5th graders to “Listen to the Lord.” Parents (especially of those shy kids) are also welcome. If you’d like to lead or assist with “Listen to the Lord,” contact Corinna in the Christian Formation office.