New Pastoral Council Officers & Liaisons
At the August pastoral council meeting, we welcomed our new council members and elected new officers. Here is the list of new officers and commission liaisons for 2023-24.
The council officers are:
Chairperson: Lisa Nimmer
Vice Chairperson: Tammy Hernke
Secretary: Bill Gaynor
Trustee Treasurer: Ron Leonhardt
Trustee Secretary: Nic Zepnick
Representing council on commissions are:
Finance Council: Ryan Goss, Ron Leonhardt and Nic Zepnick
Christian Formation: Joan Plumley and Bill Gaynor
Human Concerns: Steven Grieb
Pastoral Care: Craig Tautges and Tammy Hernke
Prayer and Worship: Craig Tautges and Lisa Nimmer
Stewardship: Sheri Youngs and Patrick Young
We are all looking forward to the new year and working together to build God’s Kingdom at Good Shepherd and in the world.
~Pastoral Council Chair Lisa Nimmer