World Youth Day and
Care for Creation

Submitted by Marguerite Thompson

On the eve of World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, an event was held that marked a path for a new encounter between Pope Francis and the youth. The 4th International Conference on the Care of Creation took place on July 31 at the Portuguese Catholic University. This is part of an appeal the youth were making:

+To all the young people of the world: Let us join forces to reverse course; let us work together for the common good with the enthusiasm that characterizes us.

+To the Catholic Church, that it may listen to and accept what the Holy Spirit is telling it about the safeguarding of creation. We ask pastors and all those in positions of responsibility in our Church to set a good example of ecological conversion.

+To the families of the world, that they may be ecosystems of love, dedication, patience, responsibility and the transmission of Gospel values and coexistence. That they create spaces of sharing and discernment for the care of our common home.

+To governments and politics: We ask for lasting policies for the protection of our common home, that put the human being at the center and give everyone the same opportunities to grow and contribute to the development of their community. We ask you to lay down your arms and put an end to all wars.

[Partial Statement from article by Guadalupe García Corigliano | Aug 3, 2023,]