Dear Good Shepherd Community Members,

You heard me say this over the past weekend, and now I repeat it: THANK YOU for our (almost) five years together. It has been a major blessing to me, and I am very grateful to you !!

Also, I  so appreciate our “farewell” gatherings after this past weekend’s liturgies. So many generous and supportive words! Plus cards, gifts, souvenirs, etc. I cannot thank you individually. Please accept this note as my very sincere “thank you” TO YOU PERSONALLY !

Heading forward, I will remain involved in  priestly ministry, of course, but at age 85 the time has come: I need to “slow down” some and to “do less”.  I  very much appreciate your understanding on this matter.

Very special gratitude to you, Deacon Sandy.  You have been so very kind and welcoming to me at all times.  Thank you very much !

To all, Peace !!!

“Fr. Tom” Suriano