God Is Near to All Who Call

Although we mere mortals are created in God’s image and our actions are to be “God-like,” we need to remember that God’s ways are not the ways of mortals. There is always something about God and God’s ways that are beyond our understanding. Psalm 145 is a psalm of praise.

The refrain for this Sunday’s psalm, “God is near to all who call” is a gift and challenge. We are assured of God’s help and nearness, especially when in need, and that is true for everyone else, too. For God, there is no “us and them.” We rejoice that everyone’s needs are met, and we bless the ONE who is “just in all ways.” Each person is beloved and precious in God’s sight, even those who do evil. May we pray for the healing and salvation of all people.

Everyday I will bless you,
and praise your name forever.
For you are great and highly to be praised,
your greatness is unsearchable.

You are gracious and merciful,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
Your compassion extends to all you have made;
how good you are to all!

You are just in all your ways,
and loving in all your deeds.
You are near to all who call on you,
who call on you from their hearts.

[verses from People’s Companion to the Breviary © 1997 by the Carmelites of Indianapolis]