Accompanying Transgender People

Submitted by Ann Castiglione

By the time you read this our group will have viewed at least two of the videos we have on loan from Fortunate Families. They are designed to teach us more about Transgender people and how to be loving Christians and accompany them on their spiritual journey. We have learned about how to use respectful language and why that is important. We have learned about the process of transitioning, the care that is needed, and the care that is often denied. We have learned how important it is for people to really be comfortable in their own skin, no matter what their age, identity, or orientation, after all, we are all children of God. All of this we have heard from professionals, some of whom are trans people themselves. We have learned that there is much, much more for us to learn!

We meet every second Sunday evening at 7:00 PM in the Mary of Magdala chapel. You are welcome AND INVITED to join us at any of these gatherings.