I Love You, God My Strength

Psalm 18 is a ruler’s song of thanksgiving for rescue from a difficult situation. The verses used are from the beginning and end of the psalm, praising God for all kindnesses. How do we see God: aloof? distant? vengeful? Or is our God the source of our strength, one who rescues? Which attributes do we see in God? The psalmist of Psalm 18 sang a song of thanksgiving to the Holy One for being rescued from enemies. As we pray this psalm we joyfully declare our wholehearted love for God. We can love because God first loved us. Let us sit with this psalm and reflect on God’s many attributes: strength, rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, horn of … salvation, stronghold, champion, defense.

I love you, God my strength,
my shelter, my stronghold.
My God, I lean on you, my shield,
my rock, my champion, my defense.

When I call for help, I am safe from my enemies.
Praise the Holy One!

God lives! Blessed be my rock,
the God who saves me.
You give great victory to your anointed,
you are faithful for all time.

[verses from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]