A Christmas Message from Our Parish Director

This is a time of year when, for obvious reasons, we think a lot about presents.

It reminds me of a story about a woman who had a dream about presents. Her dream was that she had died, and found herself seated in a large room. She wasn’t sure where she was. She thought, “Am I in heaven?” While waiting she could not help but notice that there were beautifully wrapped presents all around. She sat for quite a while longer and tried to make sense of where she was and what she was seeing. Finally, curiosity got the best of her. She got up and went to one of the presents. To her surprise her name was on it! She went to another and found her name again! She continued and found her name was on all of them! Puzzled, she sat back down and waited quite a while longer. Finally, someone entered the room. She realized it was Christ himself! He came to her and said, “Welcome to heaven. Do you have any questions?” The woman asked what the presents were and why her name was on them. Jesus replied, “These are all the gifts you were given on earth and never opened.”

Dear friends, here is my Christmas and New Year wish for each of you. May we all recognize the many gifts God has given us, and that we share our gifts with each other through ministry, service, love, and care. This is called Stewardship. We have much to give to, and gain from, each other.

On behalf of my wife, Robin, the staff, Councils, and all in leadership at the parish, I extend to you wishes for a truly blessed Christmas, and a Happy and holy New Year, filled with many presents, and much presence.

Your brother in Christ –

Deacon Sandy