My Soul Rejoices in My God

On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete (Latin for “Rejoice”) Sunday, our psalm is not from the Book of Psalms, but probably one of the most well-known poems in the New Testament, Mary’s Magnificat from Luke 1. These words were first sung by Hannah of the Old Testament, a woman believed to be barren. She rejoices after giving birth to a son, Samuel, and she offered him back to God. The refrain echoes verse 10 from the 1st reading, Isaiah 61. The world is turned upside down. When praying Mary’s treasured words, consider the place of joy in your own faith journey.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O my God,
and my spirit has rejoiced in you, my Savior.
For your regard has blessed me, poor, and a serving woman.
From this day all generations will call me blessed.

For you who are mighty, have made me great.
Most Holy be your Name.
Your mercy is on those who fear you throughout all generations.

You have filled the hungry with good things,
and have sent the rich away empty.
You, remembering your mercy, have helped your people Israel,
As you promised Abraham and Sarah.

Mercy to their children, forever. Amen.

[verses adapted from People’s Companion to the Breviary © 1997 by the Carmelites of Indianapolis]