O God Make Us Turn to You; Let Us See Your Face, and We Shall Be Saved

Advent is perhaps the most difficult season for liturgical ministers. The scriptural passages call for patient, quiet waiting and watching and our culture calls for frenzied shopping and Christmas music.

All the Old Testament readings for the Sundays of Advent speak of the Messiah, a majority from the prophet Isaiah. Today’s selection of verses from 3rd Isaiah is a community’s lament over their predicament following the Exile. The verses selected from Psalm 80 are a complement to the reading. In the midst of loss and devastation the Israelites stand firm in their loyalty to God. A people, who have endured violence and suffering, once again call on God to be near to them, to see God’s face. For us today, we are challenged to see the face of God in all we meet, in all of creation.

Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, leader of Joseph’s flock.
From your throne on the cherubim shine out for Ephraim, for Benjamin and Manasseh.

Gather your strength, come, save us!
Turn our way, God of might, look down from heaven;
tend this vine you planted, cherish it once more.

Rest your hand upon your chosen one who draws strength from you.
We have not turned from you. Give us life again and we will invoke your name.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]