Stewardship 2024:
Saints of Good Shepherd
Ministries Commitment

We have so many forms of communication today, so we must determine which ones to engage in and which to ignore. If you knew Jesus was trying to contact you, would you take the call, text, or e-mail? Well, He is trying to get through. Do we give him our attention? He may not have a flashy website or a catchy jingle, but his words never change, and his message is timeless. If there was a slogan for Jesus it would simply be “Jesus wants you!” Jesus wants us to be a part of the kingdom of God. Click like to subscribe and follow. If only it were that simple.

There are more than 80 bible verses talking about the kingdom of God, but not all with an exact definition. Some talk about God’s reign; others about peace, righteousness, and joy in the Holy Spirit; and it’s also referred to as something to proclaim. In Luke it’s described as being in the “midst of you” and is “within you,” as if it was something here on Earth and in our hearts. Perhaps it’s experienced differently by everyone in our own unique way. We, with our unique gifts and talents add to the kingdom of Heaven by what we do and say in our daily lives. Not always huge things, but things that matter to God. Jesus needs all of us to make it complete.

Please consider answering Jesus’ call for 2024. You can click on the button below for a discernment prayer process encouraging us all to pray and reflect on how God might be calling us this next year. Maybe it’s by getting involved in a ministry at Good Shepherd or starting a new one. Maybe it’s helping someone in our family or the greater community. Perhaps it’s standing up to injustice when we see it. For some of us, it might be an increased prayer life or attending church more often. Maybe we are holding on to anger and need to forgive someone to have peace in our lives. The weekend of December 16-17 we will host a Christmas cookie hospitality in Daniels Hall to celebrate and begin to commit to what God might be calling us to in 2024. Whatever we can do to help build the Kingdom, let’s do it together becoming “Saints of Good Shepherd!”