The 2024 Catholic Stewardship Appeal is the annual fundraising campaign of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, providing operating support for many ministries and programs of the Church in southeastern Wisconsin. This year’s theme, “Your Gift Does God’s Work,” resonates deeply with the mission of our Church. It’s a reminder that each one of us has the power to make a significant impact on spreading the love of Christ in our community and beyond, no matter how small or large our contributions may seem. Consider making a gift to the Appeal this year.

The Catholic Stewardship Appeal supports vital ministries that touch the lives of many. Your gift reflects your commitment to furthering God’s work: enabling us to serve those in need, train future leaders of the Church, support religious education for young people, and strengthen parish ministries.  It’s not just a financial contribution; it’s a statement of faith, a commitment to God’s work here on earth. Our collective efforts truly embody the spirit of community and compassion that define us as a parish family. Your support ensures that we continue to be a beacon of hope and love for those in need, a source of inspiration for our future leaders, and a stronghold of faith for our community. A request for the Catholic Stewardship Appeal is on the way to your mailbox. Please prayerfully consider the request and decide how you can respond to the needs of others by sharing God’s love and blessings. Please prayerfully consider making a contribution to the 2024 Catholic Stewardship Appeal. Your gift, no matter the size, joins with others to create a powerful force for good in our community. Together, we can make a difference, living out the theme that “Your Gift Does God’s Work.”