I Turn to You, O God, In Times of Trouble, and You Fill Me with the Joy of Salvation

Psalm 32 is the second of 7 penitential psalms. It is a post-exilic psalm of thanksgiving and expresses the joy of forgiveness and being reconciled to God and the community. The psalmist sings of gratitude for the grace to confront one’s sins and the faith to trust in God’s mercy. As believers we know that God initiates forgiveness and is always ready to bring healing and return us to a place of joy.

Happy the pardoned, whose sin is canceled,
in whom God finds no evil, no deceit.
Then I stopped hiding my sin and spoke out,
“God, I confess my wrong.” And you pardoned me. Rejoice in God.
Be glad and sing, you faithful and just.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]