The Ken Wolff Memorial Bowlathon

This July, 40 youth and 10 chaperones will journey to Kansas City, KS to help those in need. Here are just a few reasons that we do this:

  • Jesus says that what we do for others we do for Him.
  • Sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone to make a difference in our lives as well as the lives of others.
  • The youth and adults come back with a greater appreciation for the world, a greater love for God’s people everywhere, talents they didn’t know they could have and a beautiful spirit-filled faith.

We can’t do this without you! On the weekends of March 2-3 and 9-10, the campers will be at church asking for your financial support. Every dollar that you give makes it easier for them to go to camp. It will cost over $700 per person to go to Catholic Heart Workcamp this year.

We will be bowling at Classic Lanes on Sunday, March 10 at 1:30 PM. Come watch and cheer the workcampers on.

Thank you for your prayers for our campers and those they will serve this summer!