Happy Are the People God Has Chosen

The verses selected from this hymn of praise (Ps. 33) are drawn from that part of the hymn which gives the motivation for praising God. God loves justice and right. God is kind. God is created by the power of word alone. God has tender love for all creation. God watches over all. The words of the psalmist which follow the reading from Deuteronomy remind the listener that God’s breath or word expressed in Law is creative and life giving. God looks down from heaven with keen interest, unwavering steadfast love, and omnipotent protection. While singing/praying this psalm may we proclaim with all our heart how blessed we are to be chosen by God.

Your words, O God, are faithful
and all your works to be trusted.
You love justice and righteousness,
and fill the earth with your steadfast love.

By your word the heavens were made,
by the breath of your mouth all the stars.

God speaks, the world is;
God commands: all things appear.
God keeps a loving eye on all who believe,
on those who count on God
to bring relief from famine,
to rescue them from death.

With all we are, we wait for God,
our help, our shield.
Let your love be upon us, O God,
as we place our hope in you.

[verses adapted from People’s Companion to the Breviary © 1997 by the Carmelites of Indianapolis]