I Will Take the Cup of Life, I Will Call God’s Name
All My Days

Ps. 116 may sound familiar. Although the refrain is different, the verses are the same ones sung at the Holy Thursday liturgy, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The psalm is a thanksgiving song sung to God in appreciation and recognition of God’s care and healing power. The “cup of freedom” refers to Jesus’ total giving of self. As we pray this psalm, and every time we celebrate Eucharist, we are called to participate in the sacrifice of Christ and to sacrifice for one another—to remember that each person is precious in God’s eyes. We are called to renew our baptismal promises to serve God as priests, prophets and kings.

What gift can ever repay God’s gift to me?
I raise the cup of freedom as I call on God’s name!
God, you hate to see your faithful ones die.

I beg you, God, hear me:
it is I, the servant you love,
I, the child of your servant.
You freed me from death’s grip.

I bring a gift of thanks,
as I call on your name.
I fulfill my vows to you, God,
standing before your assembly.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]