Fear, Injustice & Courage

Submitted by Marguerite Thompson

Is “fear” the root of all social injustices? Perhaps in a global sense it is. Some injustices have to do with sheer selfish decisions. Yet we must consider if such selfishness arises out of fear, at least in part?

Our fear of those “not like” us, “The Other”, is a big one. No matter our commitment to justice, it is so natural to lean on the familiar, sometimes to the extent that we judge others. Awareness is our greatest friend in lessening this tendency and moving towards being selfless despite our discomfort. Working to enhance our spiritual lives is always a way to work for justice and peace. When we really pray and grow, it clarifies for us how God is calling us to serve. If we do not see a clear path towards the type of service we can bring to others, it may be an indication that we need to pay more attention to our spiritual selves. God calls us all in love, and in the space of that love, we tend to choose to serve.

Maybe take a little time to try on some courageous acts, a sure antidote to fear so we may alleviate a measure of injustice in the world.