Has Anyone Noticed the Disappearing Weeds?

Our flower beds are being attended to by a new parishioner, Naomi Bruecker.

Naomi has been a volunteer Gardening Angel at a former parish and since coming to Good Shepherd has seen a need to transform some of our thistle gardens back into flower gardens.

Gardening at Good Shepherd can be so much more than just pulling weeds. Good Shepherd has land in the “Back 40” that could become a community garden. Students who volunteer could earn community service hours, and then there’s the instant gratification of nurturing a small part of the parish and making a contribution which can be appreciated by all. When garden areas are ignored and weeds take over, they reseed and multiply the effort required to restore the garden. However, many hands can make the job so much smaller in a short amount of time. Not the trials of Job! But, like Job, the rewards at the end are great.

Future tasks may include watering, weeding, dead-heading spent blossoms, planting fall bulbs, and transplanting perennials. The Good Shepherd grounds can be easily maintained by designating sections to individuals or a group. Please consider joining Naomi as a Gardening Angel. If you are interested in donating some spare time and effort, contact Naomi: (262) 323-6668 or tom_naomi@hotmail.com

Your company will be appreciated.