O Taste and See the Goodness of Our God

This Sunday concludes the Bread of Life discourse. For the 3rd consecutive Sunday we sing the Eucharistic Psalm 34 but with different verses. The verses for this Sunday again begin with praising God. In the second part of the poem, the psalmist, taught true wisdom in suffering, now teaches the assembly. Anyone who is wise will, by right conduct, join the company of the righteous and thus enjoy God’s favor. We are again reminded that God cares for the lowly and the broken-hearted. And, as we end the Bread of Life readings from John’s gospel, let us remember the wonders God has done for us.

I will never stop thanking God, with constant words of praise.
My soul will boast of God; the poor will hear me and be glad.
God confronts the wicked to blot them out for ever,
but turns toward the just to hear their cry for help.

The troubled call out; God hears, saves them from all distress.
God stays near broken hearts, heals the wounded spirit.
The good endure great trials, but God comes to their rescue
and guards their every bone so not one is broken.

[verses taken from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]