All Are Welcome –
How Do We Welcome Newcomers?

Submitted by Joan Plumley

This popular liturgical hymn is familiar in Catholic spaces. Let us look at a few of the words to see how we welcome newcomers to Good Shepherd.

In the first two verses we sing, “Let us build a house where love can dwell, and all can safely live…here the love of Christ shall end divisions.” When we see a new person walk into our worship space, do we notice them? Do we extend a hand in welcome? Do we introduce ourselves with a smile? Do we move further in our pew to make room for them? If the new person is a person of color, do we see their color as a source of separation? Let us pray for eyes to see everyone as a daughter or son of God.

The gift of the Eucharist calls us to a new vision. Let our faith move us to treat newcomers with the love of Christ and make all feel welcome!