Care for God’s Creation Season

By Mary Kult

We are celebrating the Care of God’s Creation season right now to become more aware of our part of caring for God’s Creation. It concludes Oct 4 on the feast of Saint Francis.

The Pope invites us to undergo an ecology conversion and shift from exploiting nature to nurturing it. We are asked to protect and heal God’s creation. How might we do this: Discover some new beauty every day. Listen to the music of the universe: raindrops on the roof tops, the wind in the trees, the joy of children playing outside. I am reminded of our trip to Pike Lake. I took notice of the beauty of the blue waters, billowing white clouds, waves on the lake from boats cruising by and the laughter of children playing in the water.

Can Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House

For many years I have been collecting soda, soup and beer can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. I am looking for someone to take over this task. You would collect the tabs at church 3-4 times a year and take them to the Ronald McDonald House near Froedtert Hospital. Contact the parish office if interested.

Also I encourage everyone to bring in tabs now and place them in baskets at either of the church doors.