Needing to be Freed

Submitted by Michael Bloedorn

The Church asks us to remember the Holy Innocents. “Holy” and “innocent” both words indicate precious life caught in the snare of Herod’s selfish power and heartless cruelty. In our world today, similar responses exist toward children whose lives don’t matter to those with control over them. Whether aborted in the womb, captured in the trap of pornography and sex trafficking, enticed into terrorism or other deadly snares, each entrapment victimizes children and steals their innocence. Let us do all that we can by our presence, prayer and political action to provide safe environments for them. And let us offer our compassion to each parent whose child is “a holy innocent” needing to be freed. ~ Sr. Joyce Rupp, O.S.M.

National Night Out

The “National Night Out” celebration took place on August 6 at Village Park. Among all the community partners present for the event, it included our Good Shepherd/St. James Faith Advocates Against Sex Trafficking.