Let Your Mercy Be on Us, O God, as We Place Our Trust in You

Psalm 33 is frequently used as a responsorial psalm in the liturgy – Years A, B and C; Lent, Easter Vigil option, Easter Season, Ordinary Time, with different refrains and verses. On this 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year B, we are called to praise God for justice and right in all of creation. We praise and thank God for taking a keen interest in humankind, always with a steadfast loving kindness and mighty protection for those who place their trust in God. We proclaim our shared hope and pray that as a community we may know God’s everlasting and merciful love.

Your words, O God, are truth indeed, and all your works are ever faithful;

you love justice and right, your compassion fills all creation

See how the eye of God is watching, ever guarding all who wait in hope,

to deliver them from death and sustain them in time of famine.

Exult, you just, for praise is the song of the righteous!

How happy the people of God, the ones whom God has chosen!

Our soul is waiting for God, for God is our help and our shield.

May your kindness, O God, be upon us who place our hope in you.

[Text: Marty Haugen; © 1987, 2011 GIA Publication, Inc.]