Love One Another Outreach Ideas

The Deacon Gene Outreach Committee is responsible for dispersing the 5% designated funds from what we collect from “Love One Another.” We are asking for your suggestions for non-profit organizations we can contact to see if they fit our criteria. We have many organizations that we have given to over the years, and some newer ones as well. This is an opportunity to suggest groups we may not have considered or known about before:

  • They can be local, national or international groups, preferably ones that may need a little more support.
  • Our criteria is that the organization/project is a 503(c) (b) and benefit a poverty group. (Poverty is defined as a function of low income or powerlessness to affect institutions or systems. Preference will be given to causes that benefit large numbers of people vs. those that benefit fewer people.)

Paper forms will be available to fill out at church, or you can submit your outreach ideas at

Questions? Contact Marguerite: (262) 345-3898 or