Stewardship 2025: Crossing with Hope

The Catholic Church will celebrate Hope as a sacred year of Jubilee in 2025. It will be a worldwide renewal to a Church that Pope Francis says “is loved with an eternal and faithful love, called to hold high the light of the Gospel, and sent forth to bring to all the fire that Jesus definitively brought to the world.” We, at Good Shepherd, will celebrate Stewardship 2025 alongside the year of Jubilee. We will be “Crossing with Hope”, the Hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, into our lives, our families, our parish, our community and our world.
Let us pray together.

God of Hope and Creator of all that is good, we thank you for your sacrifice on the cross and the gifts you have given us. We pray that our Good Shepherd Community is “Crossing with Hope” to bring you to those in most need of your love.

We pray that we may be “Crossing with Hope into Prayer” to develop that personal and community space of drawing closer to you. We pray that we may be “Crossing with Hope into Relationship” to develop our connection with you, others and our community and world. We pray that we may be “Crossing with Hope into Ministry” to develop an active faith life to bring your love to a world in need.

We ask the Holy Spirit to guide and activate us in our spiritual and financial gifts to continue to bring your promise of hope through Good Shepherd. We pray this in the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit, Amen