Change, Quietly and Slowly
Submitted by Ann Castiglione
I always find positive things that help the LGBTQ+ community. Often Fr. James Martin is the one who provides this positivity.
While he was at the synod, even without formal discussion of LGBTQ+ issues, he found something to hope in.
Pope Francis removed controversial topics from the synod so that they could be discussed more freely and openly.
During casual conversations Fr. Martin heard “LGBTQ” being used rather than outdated terms. There were more clergy asking him for help in reaching out to the LGBTQ community. The document from the synod even uses the term identity when asking for compassion for all.
To quote Fr. Martin, “It is important to understand that change in the Church often happens just like that [mustard] seed grows. We are called to participate in the church’s progress, but ultimately ‘we know not how’ it may happen. And just as the mustard seed, things change often not in ‘world-shaking’ ways, but quietly and slowly.”