Recorded/Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-703492. All rights reserved.

Entrance: Christ, Be Our Light

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Second Reading
Gospel Reading 
 (click for reading)

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 24: Open Wide Your Gates     

Open wide your gates; Let the King of Glory in!
Open wide your gates; Let the King of Glory in!


  1. All the earth is yours, O God, the world and those who dwell on it. You have founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.
  2. Who can ascend your mountain, God? Or who may stand in this holy place? Those whose hands are sinless, hearts are clean, and desire not the vanity of earth.
  3. They shall receive your blessing, God, their Savior shall reward them. Such is the face that seeks for you, that seeks your face, O God of Jacob.

Text: Psalm 24; Kevin Keil, � 1993, GIA Publications, Inc.

Profession of Faith: Apostles’ Creed (click to view)

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Presentation of the Gifts: We Are the Light of the World 

Communion: Let There Be Light and In Time

In Time

1.God of birth and death and life,
Wrapped up in the truth of love that never ends.
Help us see through angers blinding wall,
So we can be Your love to all.

Be our light in times of darkness.
In a world of hate let peace fill our hearts.
When we face our doubt grant wisdom,
To see clearly…to love gently…to act justly…
And walk humbly with God.

2.God of sadness, God of joy,
Spark that kindles flames of hope within our Souls.
Turn despair into strength that we might care,
To bring Your Spirit to our world.

3.God of the weary, God of the strong,
As we face our trials may Your word be our song.
Help our hearts to feel, our eyes to see, our ears to hear,
That we may come to know Your love.

Timothy Ehlinger © 2024

Back to Better

What was once our normal, we’re starting to see
Is not the measure of who we can be.
It’s not enough to be just – just to be just be together.
We’re living in spaces not traveled before.
There’s a tomorrow that yearns to be more.
This is our chance to be called, chance to be called   back to be
Back to better.

1.In the face of our fear – feeling alone in the darkness
Looking for hands we can hold for strength and be
warmed in the night
Disconnected, dejected, neglected
There’s so much emptiness longing for light
from love, hope, peace and faith in new life.

2. In this time filled with doubt – look at the face the   mirror.
Peering behind the walls in our mind’s eye to see
Deflections, deceptions, rejections.
Only with grace can we clear the debris
And live the fire the Spirit will bring.

Timothy Ehlinger © 2024

Repose of the Blessed Sacrament: Surely the Presence of the Lord

Words and Music by Lanny Wolfe © Copyright 1977 (Renewed) LANNY WOLFE MUSIC (ASCAP) Admin. At CAPITOLCMGPUBLISHING.COM All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
I can feel his mighty power and his grace.
I can hear the brush of angel’s wings.

I see the glory on each face.
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

Dismissal: This Little Light of Mine

Recorded/Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-703492. All rights reserved.