Merry Christmas from Your Prayer and Worship Commission
Judy and Alicia are so grateful for all the ministers who make our Masses vibrant and joyful: acolytes, greeters, ushers, Communion ministers, musicians, readers, sacristans, and the art and environment team. What a beautiful year of prayer, celebration, and worship at Good Shepherd! This year, with your help, we welcomed 8 children through baptism, witnessed two marriages, celebrated First Reconciliation and Eucharist with 11 children, and commended 15 souls to eternal life. From feast days to holy days, from Advent and Lent to Christmas and Easter, and everything in between, you have given so much of your time, prayer, and talent. We’re grateful and proud to know you.
Are you looking for a way to join in the vibrant life of our parish? Our Christmas wish is to call each and every one of you to active ministry participation in the coming year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d be thrilled to hear from you.