Every Nation on Earth Will Adore

Today’s psalm 72 gives us more images for what the fullness of God’s kingdom will look like when all are in right relation with the Creator. The psalm is one of comfort, hope, and challenge. When we look at the world, we can see many places where this peace and justice do not yet exist, areas where the lives of the poor are endangered and threatened. As we pray and meditate on the words of this psalm, how can we work for peace and justice, care of the poor and needy and the earth, and rule with equity and uprightness? May our national, local and religious leaders lead with right judgment and justice that the asks for them.

Give justice to your Anointed, O God, and righteousness to those Chosen!
That your people may be judged in righteousness, and your poor with justice.
In that day justice shall flourish and peace till the moon be no more!
Your Anointed shall rule from sea to sea,
from the River to the ends of the earth!
The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall render tribute.
May rulers of Arabia and Seba bring gifts.
All will fall down before the Anointed, all nations serve and pay homage.
The Anointed delivers the needy when they call,
the poor and those who are helpless;
Having pity on the weak and the needy, saving the lives of the poor.

[verses adapted from People’s Companion to the Breviary © 1997 by the Carmelites of Indianapolis]