Christmas Greetings from Ellacuria

Submitted by Antonio Ramos
-Ellacuria Parish Member
(as translated by Terry Margherita)

Dear brothers and sisters, our friends at Good Shepherd, greetings from the Ellacuria community. Hoping you and your families are all well. We are now on the way to getting the permit for drilling the well; the Agua Viva Association is helping us with this matter. We hope in God that all goes well. We are waiting for a reply from ASA (Salvadoran Water Association), and since we are now in the last month of the year, they told us by way of Agua Viva that they will be responding with a reply to the permit in the new year, We’re hoping that will be the case.

We’re also infinitely grateful for the help you’ve given us with this project and are concerned about finding the funds to complete it, but thanks to your help, we hope to collect enough for it. May God continue being with you and blessing all of you and your families; we are very happy that this well will enable us to improve the water system for all our families. We already have your help with the $10,000*.

Terry told us that you would be able to provide us with $13,000* more, and when I shared the information, all of us in ADESCO were so very happy and thanked God and you for this great help you’re providing us, as we only get help from the government here with great difficulty, so thank you again.

We wish you a marvelous and happy holiday and New Year, and may God be with us always in the coming year. Many greetings and hugs from the community [of Ellacuria] and the Directiva (their leadership council.) Wishes for many blessings,

Antonio Ramos

*$10k is from our Ellacuria Committee with monies from their fundraisers. $7k is from our Outreach Committee. $6k is donations from individuals delineated specifically for this project.