In the Sight of the Angels,
I Will Sing Your Praises, O God

For some, the only time an individual turns to God is in a time of distress, great danger, helplessness, hopelessness. God doesn’t keep track – the occasions or the number of times. God’s steadfast loving kindness toward human beings endures forever. Psalm 138 is a psalm of simple and exultant praise and gratitude to the God of all. We sing God’s praise in and from the concrete reality of our social and faith life. For each one of us, let us give praise and thanks to the Most High for God’s care whether in distress or encountering the grandeur of the Holy One.

I thank you with all I am, I join heaven’s chorus.
I bow toward your holy temple, to praise your name.
By your love and fidelity,
You display to all the glory of your name and promise.
As soon as I call, you act, renewing my strength.
Around the world, rulers praise you for your commanding word.
They sing of your ways, “Great is your glory, O Most High.”
When I face an opponent, you keep me alive.
You reach out your hand, your right hand saves me.
O God, take up my cause, your love lasts for ever.
Do not abandon what your hands have made.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]