Thank You!
Submitted by Ron Leonhardt
Good Shepherd has once again outdone itself in its generosity to our sisters and brothers in the Communidad de Ignacio Ellacuria, El Salvador. Needing assistance to dig and install a well for their community, they sought our financial assistance. In the past few months, we have raised $22,575 for this project, enough to complete the project when added to funds Ellacuria already had on hand. This has been possible by: utilizing $10,000 from the Ellacuria Fund (primarily from our fair trade sales and Combined Collections donations); using $7,000 of the donations designated through the Love One Another Campaign for outreach; and receiving $5,575 in donations from individual parish members and members of the Servant’s Entrance community in Richmond, Michigan! The Ellacuria community has expressed their gratitude to Good Shepherd for the efforts to help address their need to supplement their current water source by digging this well. The permitting process is underway and soon they will be able to start purchasing the necessary equipment and prepare to drill. God bless you all for your generosity and your continued prayers for the people of Ellacuria.