What Does Courage & Shame
Have to Do with Our Own Voice?

Gabriela Caballero Moersfelder
Sun February 16 | 10:45 AM

Gabriela will briefly explore how courage and shame influence our own voices, by presenting; the definitions of the terms, and how they might intervene with how we present our true self into the world. There will be time for small and large group sharing as well for Q/A time.

Gabriela Caballero-Moersfelder is a license psychotherapist, retreat leader, spiritual guide, community leader, teacher, volunteer, spouse and mother. She has a master’s degree from UW-Milwaukee, a post graduate degree in Theology from Mary Mount University and she is a graduate of the Spiritual Guidance program at Siena Retreat Center. She studied two years under Brené Brown and obtained a certification to use the Daring Greatly materials in her work.