Who Is the God of Glory?
It Is the Holy One!

Forty days after Christmas, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord completes the mystery of the Christmas season. Jesus, presented to Israel through the shepherds, presented to nations through the Magi, is now presented to the Church as Light to the World. This feast has gone by other titles – The Purification of Mary or Candlemas Day. Hence, the blessing of liturgical and home-use candles. Psalm 24 is a highly evolved liturgical psalm. For the Israelites at the time of David, the psalm is a ritual expression of welcoming God into their worship at the temple. The verses in the psalm describe a ruler mighty in battle, strong and inspiring, demanding that the gates to the city be open. Yet, in the gospel a vulnerable and helpless infant is presented. As we pray this psalm and reflect on the feast, may we embrace and live our baptismal vocation more each day. May we be shining lights to the whole world.

Stretch toward heaven you gates, open high and wide.
Let the glorious sovereign enter.
Who is this splendid ruler?
The most High One of power and might, the conqueror of chaos.
Stretch toward heaven you gates, open high and wide.
Let the glorious sovereign enter.
Who is this splendid ruler?
The Holy One of heaven’s might, this splendid rules is God.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]