Be with Me Lord, when I Am in Trouble
Psalm 91 is a common psalm for the season of Lent. As you pray the psalm you may recognize the lyrics in “On Eagle’s Wings” upon which Michael Joncas based his hymn. The readings speak of temptations and actively choosing God. The psalm gives us relevant, urgent words that can be used in many situations throughout our day that involve temptation. When we pray, “Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble,” we are inviting God to transform us and our world.
All you sheltered by the Most High, who live in Almighty God’s shadow,
say to God, “My refuge, my fortress, my God in whom I trust!”
No evil shall ever touch you, no harm come near your home.
God instructs angels to guard you wherever you go.
With their hands they support you, so your foot will not strike a stone.
You will tread on lion and viper, trample tawny lion and dragon.
“I deliver all who cling to me, raise the ones who know my name,
answer those who call me, stand with those in trouble.
These I rescue and honor.”
[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]