Ken Wolff Bowlathon Fundraiser

This weekend begins our Ken Wolff Bowlathon Fundraiser to send our youth to Catholic Heart Workcamp. We have so much fun promoting it with our celebrities, youth speakers, videos and buckets, but do you know why we call it the “Ken Wolff” Bowlathon?

Ken, Barb and the Wolff family have been longtime workcamp supporters and attenders. Ken died just 5 months after he chaperoned his last workcamp. Here is a note I recently received from Barb:

Ken always was drawn to the youth. His first venture in teaching CCD was to 6th graders at St. Agnes. When we moved to the Falls and eventually joined G.S. in 1984, he became involved in ministering to HS students. He blessed all of us with his faith and his heartfelt prayers and his joy in sharing the Good News with our youth. When he went on his last workcamp in 2016, he said it would be a “Thy will be done” kind of week – Amen! Truly words of faith. All of you in youth ministry will always hold a special place in my heart.

Thank you to all who support youth ministry. Catholic Heart Workcamp is an important part of our ministry, and we truly appreciate your help in spreading the Good News to our youth as they prepare to do the same, just like Ken did. Every year when preparing for workcamp, before we leave and while we are there, we ask dear Ken to put in a good word for us and watch over us as we continue Christ’s work just as he did.