Ken Wolff Bowlathon Success—Because of You!

Thank you so much for your support for our Ken Wolff Workcamp Bowlathon! We are sending 45 youth and 13 adult chaperones to Catholic Heart Workcamp this July and we can do that easier because of your support. It costs $800 per person to meet all of the financial responsibilities of this workcamp. That means workcamp will cost about $46,000 this year. The youth pay much of this cost but every penny that you donate, takes some of this off of them and their families. They are so very grateful for your help! This money goes towards camp fees, food, transportation, t-shirts, lodging, supplies for our service projects and more. Over these past 2 Bowlathon weeks, we raised over $4,500 from parishioners like you from Good Shepherd, St. James and St. Agnes. Thank you so much for making a difference in the lives of these youth, their families and the world. So, who won the celebrity bowling game?

It was Cassidy Matthews from St. Agnes! Thanks to our celebrity bowlers and all of the great people who came out to cheer us on and treat us to pizza and soda at the Bowlathon. We love you all very much!