Pray for Our LGBTQ Advocate: Pope Francis
Submitted by Ann Castiglione
Just when times seem darkest, we need to remember to look for God in our midst – the God who loves each of us and wants good for us. This is a jubilee year of HOPE. As I write this, our dear Pope Francis is very ill. It seems like a good time to review all the ways in which he has brought us hope. He began his papacy with, “Who am I to judge?” It is a statement about treating everyone with dignity as a fellow human being. He continued his hopeful comments through his various statements of inclusion, but even more through his conversations with LGBTQ advocates like Fr. James Martin and Sr. Jeannine Gramick. Going even further Pope Francis has spent a good deal of time with many members of the LGBTQ community, welcoming them in. I have been praying nonstop for Pope Francis. He has given us much hope for growth in our beloved Catholic Church.