The Lord Is Kind and Merciful

Psalm 103, an optimistic hymn of praise and thanks, deals with God’s actions toward us and reminds us that regardless of the mess we make, that the Holy One is kind and merciful. We prayed this psalm on the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – same refrain but some different verses. In the psalm today, the greater our understanding of God, the greater the urge to praise God. In verses 6-7, 8, 11, we sing of God’s actions on our behalf, a God of justice, a God of self-revelation, a God of love. As we pray the psalm, think of a hard time in life – sickness, job loss, financial challenges, doubt – and remember God’s mercy and kindness. In a world filled with suffering and selfishness, we are reminded to trust even more in God’s mercy and compassion.

My soul, bless God’s holy name!
My soul, bless the Most High, hold dear all God’s gifts!
Bless God, who forgives your sin and heals every illness,
who snatches you from death and enfolds you with tender care.

God, who loves justice and defends the oppressed,
teaches Moses and Israel divine ways and deeds.
God is tender and caring, slow to anger, rich in love.
As high as heaven is above the earth,
so great is God’s love for believers.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]