The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation

The Transfiguration we celebrate this Sunday and every 2nd Sunday of Lent is sometimes viewed as a revelation of what each of us is called to be. We are reminded in Psalm 27 that only God is God and that God is our light and salvation. Even in the light we cannot see or know God completely for God is bigger than anyone of us or all of us. We place our trust in God as our guide and our refuge and always seeking to know God better. The psalmist makes this a very personal prayer by the continued use of the first person. We proclaim faith in God, seek God’s mercy, and finally proclaim our hope to know God’s bounty in the land of the living. May we always be aware that we are ALWAYS in God’s presence.

God is my saving light; whom should I fear?
God is my fortress; what should I dread?
O God, listen to me; be gracious, answer me.
Deep within me a voice says, “Look for the face of God!”

So I look for your face, I beg you not to hide.
Do not shut me out in anger, help me instead.
Do not abandon or desert me, my savior, my God.
I know I will see how good God is while I am still alive.

Trust in God. Be strong. Be brave. Trust in God.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]