Grateful: Roots, Fruits & Shoots
Good Shepherd Stewardship 2023

Our Good Shepherd Community offers so much for each one of us.  Don’t miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the Shoots of new life ready to bud for this parish in 2023!  We have many things in this community to be grateful for. Let us pray together.

Heavenly Father, our prayer is one of gratitude. You are the Creator of all, and all blessings come from you.  For this, we are grateful.

Let us pray for the roots of the Good Shepherd Community. For the vision of Father Fran and the founding members of the parish, which lay the foundation of our church to be a caring parish, welcoming and reaching out to all, and so let us pray… For this we are grateful.

Let us pray for the fruits of our Good Shepherd Community. As we strive to fulfil our parish mission, we pray for the members and staff of Good Shepherd, the ministries we provide, the vibrancy of our liturgies and rites, and so let us pray… For this we are grateful.

Let us pray for the shoots of our Good Shepherd Community – the future of our faith community. For the young families who are blessed from involvement in the history of this parish and will continue our beautiful faith tradition and strive to fulfill our parish mission, and so let us pray… For this we are grateful.

We thank you for the gift of Good Shepherd. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide our parish in our endeavors and we are provided with the spiritual and financial resources to continue our traditions, through Christ our Lord. 
