I Will Praise Your Name
My King and My God

Psalm 145 is a hymn that calls upon us to praise God. These verses from the psalm reveal God to be gracious, merciful, kind, compassionate, faithful and holy. Every time we sing a psalm, we come to know another aspect of God and how God acts toward frail, human beings. God lifts the weak and raises up the oppressed. For this reason all should praise God by expressing their indebtedness for kindness received.

I will exalt you, O God my God and bless your name forever and ever.

I will bless you every day, forever praise your name.

Gracious and merciful is God, slow to anger, full of love.

God is good in every way, merciful to every creature.

Let your works praise you, O God, your faithful ones bless you.

Let them proclaim your glorious reign, let them tell of your might.

Your dominion lasts forever, your rule for all generations!

God is faithful in every word and gracious in every work.

God supports the fallen, raises those bowed down.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]