O Holy One, Come and Save Us

On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, our readings move to prepare us to celebrate Christ’s coming at the Incarnation. We rejoice and sing a song of praise. We praise God for attending to and taking up residence among the oppressed, hungry, captives, blind, bowed down, strangers, resident aliens, orphaned and widow. Salvation has started in the person of Jesus but it is not yet completed. The psalm and gospel give us a list of how we can help bring about salvation.

Creator of heaven and earth, maker of the teeming sea,
keeps faith for ever, giving food to the hungry,
justice to the poor, freedom to captives.

God opens blind eyes and straightens the bent,
comforting widows and orphans,
protecting the stranger.

God loves the just but blocks the path of the wicked.

O God, you will rule forever and ever, through all generations.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]