With God There Is Mercy
and Fullness of Redemption

As said on the first Sunday of Lent, Psalm 51 is probably the most familiar of the penitential psalms. Psalm 130 is another of the penitential psalms. In this psalm we plea for mercy and then proclaim God’s loving kindness. As an assembly we admit that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness. To forgive is godlike. As we sing, pray or reflect on these verses, let us open ourselves to hearing God asking us to trust in the promise of resurrection. Let us be one with Martha as Jesus comforts her upon the death of her brother.

From the depths I call to you, O God, hear my cry.
Catch the sound of my voice raised up, pleading.

If you record our sins, O God, who could survive?
But because you forgive we stand in awe.

I trust in God’s word, I trust in the Holy One.
More than sentries wait for dawn I watch for the Almighty.
More than sentries for dawn let Israel hope in you!

For with you there is love, and fullness of redemption.
And you will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]